Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wow Hall Show 11.10.09

Last week I had the privilege of opening for Tyrone Wells and Rootdown at the Wow Hall. It was an amazing show and I thought for those of you who missed it you might want to check out some videos. Let me know what you think.

Stick Around from Casey Hurt on Vimeo.

Wow hall - 11.10.09 - Babylon from Casey Hurt on Vimeo.

WOW HALL 11.10.09 - Amazing Grace from Casey Hurt on Vimeo.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

New Album Review from Holland - What?

Here is the google translated version of this review. If you wanted to read it in it's full glory you can go to

For a successful mix of Americana folk music with soul and you can contact the American singer-songwriter Casey Hurt. The influence of famous composers from the past three decades are clearly present in the fresh and contemporary work that Casey Hurt brings his latest CD "Letters From A Friend".

Casey Hurt for music is still a secondary activity in addition to his daily activities as a bartender in a local pub. He is also a popular pastor in the local church. But he is very happy to be professionally active as a musician and his songs played over at bring. In 2006 he took the first tentative steps with his debut album "The Glory", an ep-tje that limited attention in the music press could count but had started to the full CD.

He devotes much attention to the contents of the texts for his songs, which brought together ten copies we see in this album. A Brett Dennen, Tracy Chapman and Damien Rice operate in the same genre as Casey Hurt and have already proved that you do as a musician can develop into a successful career.

The songs start from an acoustic approach but are richly supplemented where necessary with additional instrumentation and even the angelic harmony vocals by Valeri Lopez contribute to a professional sounding contemporary pop song, witness for example the numbers of "Get Back To Ya" and "Stick Around" .

The more subdued and intimate ballads sound convincing. One of the best songs is "Do not Walk Away" which reflect genuine emotions. The back and forth between optimism and pessimism, 'feel good' and 'feel bad', ups and downs is a bit of red thread throughout the ten tracks on "Letters From A Friend". Other highlights on this CD the piano ballad "Come to Me" and the full emotion, but happily sung love song "I Will Love You To The Grave".

Through his songs he wants a forum on the words of the people who usually are not discussed in society. Therein lies its religious mission as pastor, but rest assured: this is no disturbing presence in the songs on "Letters From A Friend". For a lighter subject as his addiction to Facebook (a current theme) is reflected in the song "Seven Seas".

His wife Lauren - who is professional photographer - took care of the pretty pictures that were used to record a cover of this album more than deserves wider listening audience.


Friday, August 14, 2009

New Album Review in the Corvallis Gazette Times

Letters from a friend
Soulful singer, pastor, bartender manages to embrace it all on new CD

By Nancy Raskauskas
The Entertainer

CORVALLIS — Corvallis singer/songwriter Casey Hurt is a man of contradictions and it suits him just fine. As far as he’s concerned, the harder he is to label the better. A few that might come to mind:




Tattoo lover


For Hurt, it all boils down to one thing: Honesty.

“I’ve always wanted to hold myself in tension,” he said. His new CD “Letters from a Friend” artfully harmonizes the many seemingly disparate facets of his life, with conscious songs that muse on “trying to learn to treat everyone as human.”

“There is an intimacy in anything that you would sing or write to a friend,” Hurt said. “I kind of view all my songs in the album as letters,” he said. “My music tries to give a voice to people that don’t always have voice.”

The title song was inspired by Hurt’s experience working at a pharmacy, where one day he watched a co-worker belittle a heroine user, who came in to buy clean needles.

The song is sung from the perspective of the addict.

“You know I love you, but I’m just working on myself/it’s not as easy when you don’t have somebody else -. Everybody has got some sort of vice/it’s just that this one’s got me.”

“We all have our vices, so that song is really about struggle,” Hurt said.

In another song, “Seven Seas,” Hurt reflects on the vices in his own life, which include an obsession shared by many — Facebook.

“There’s a fight that’s inside of you/A fight that you can’t win/You treat distractions like lovers and truth like a distant friend.”

Hurt calls his music “nakedly honest Americana soul.”

Many of the songs on “Letters to a Friend” go whole-heartedly to the dark side with brooding reflections on serious themes. Others are beguiling simple ditties with irresistibly catchy lyrics, such as “Stick Around” and “Get Back to You,” a duet with harmonies by the talented Valeri Lopez.

“I’m going to take that train/I’m going to take it soon/I’m going to find myself a way to get back to ya.”

Other collaborators on the CD include Brian Harvey of Pine Language and members of bands Norman and F.O.L.K.L.O.R.E.

Hurt has put out a couple of EPs, but this is his first full-length album.

“I’m just trying to step out and play the music that really says something to me, he said.

Hurt spent many of his formative years in Corvallis, attending Adams and Mountain View elementary schools, Santiam Christian and Crescent Valley High School, between the ages of 5 and 16 years old.

His family now lives in Hawaii, where he finished out high school before moving heading back to the mainland.

These days he works behind the bar of the Downward Dog. His wife, Lauren Hurt, is a photographer.

In addition, he is the pastor for a nondenominational Corvallis church called Doxology that meets Sundays at Avery Park. Formerly it held worship in local high schools and in the now-closed Platinum nightclub.

“We figured if we held it in a bar almost anyone could show -. and be transparent and honest about who they are,” Hurt said.

Hurt sees encouraging other artists and musicians as one of his primary roles in the church.

He often collaborates with other local musicians. He’s also a drummer for the Vicious Kisses.

Just so there is no confusion, it should be stated that Hurt is not a fan of Christian rock.

“I don’t understand why Christianity needs a subculture,” he said. “Anyone who makes music is displaying God whether they believe in it or not — you can say that about the most obscure or profane artist.”


WHO: Casey Hurt

WHAT: “Nakedly honest Americana soul”


• 10 a.m. Sept. 5, Corvallis Artisan’s Market.

• 8 p.m. Sept. 5, Cloud 9, Corvallis. Admission: $5. With: Vicious Kisses, F.O.L.K.L.O.R.E., Norman and Pine Language.

NEW CDS: “Letters from a Friend” can be purchased online at CD Baby, ITunes and Digg Station or at an upcoming show.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Crazy Couple Of Months

Wow, I don't know what happened... it seems like the last two months have just flown by. Between finishing the album, flying to LA, a release show in Oregon and preforming my brother in laws wedding I haven't had much time to think. It's all been really great stuff though, the album "letters from a friend" is officially out now so if you haven't picked it up yet you should.
We were able to sell almost 300 copies in the first weekend! I can't wait for you all to hear it. You can check out clips of it @
DigStation - Indie Music Downloads

Now it's time for a couple days of rest. I'll be back in the studio soon working on a new album for my good friends Pine Language If you have not checked them out yet you really should. We'll i love you guys, I think I'm going to go catch up on some sleep.


Monday, June 15, 2009

New Live Album

Hello Again,

On my last trip down to LA I had an amazing opportunity to play a show at The Mint with The Brian Buckley Band, Three Blind Mice and Olivia Henry. The Show was a lot of fun and we all were lucky enough to get a live recording of it. I thought all of you might like to hear it so I'm releasing my set for free on my reverb nation account. Just click on the link below to get the free downloads.

I'm also Excited to announce the My Album "Letters from a friend" will be available for purchase on July 1st. I can't wait for you all to hear it.

Love you guys a lot,

Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm a drum machine... kind of

So I did it, I finally started my new album. Can you believe it's been almost 4 years since I released the burlap e.p.? Well it has and it's time to put out some new music.
I'm doing the whole album in this nice little studio I like to call "the unit". It's located in an RV storage unit on the wrong side of town and it kind of smells like old beer but for the next while it's where i'll call home. Over the last two weeks i've mostly been working on recording the drum tracks. I was lucky enough to have my friend Jordan Wood from "A Dream Too Late" come in and play drums for a few of the songs. He helped me to realize how great real drummers can be. I played drums on the rest of the album which at times was a little more then comical. I can usually hear the parts that I want to play in my head, but getting my hands and feet to do them is a whole different story.

The album will be released mid to late June and I'll be sure to let you know where you can pick it up. I'm really excited about the collection of songs on this album. A lot of the songs are ones that were written and posted on this very blog, songs that you few followers were the first to hear. I'm very thankful for all the inspiration and insight that I got from you guys. I am forever in your debt.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hollywood California...

Hello Everyone,

Long time, no blog. Things got pretty crazy over the last few weeks. Between easter, leaving for LA and starting a new album I haven't had much time to devote to you guys... I am truly sorry.
LA was amazing... Like really amazing, It was great to catch up with old friends. This might sound funny but I was reminded about how much I love music when I was down there. How exciting it is to take risks with the things you love, and to have people right along side of you who are all risking just as much.
I had the amazing privilege of playing a show at this club called "The Mint". It to was amazing, lots of people came out to support us even though it was a sunday night. I was lucky enough to have the very talented Olivia Henry sing on "Don't walk away" and Jon did a little beat box number on "babylon".
I will try and post some videos soon but until then I hope these pictures will do.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

House Shows and New Toys...

Hey Everyone,

Last week I had the privilege of playing an awesome house show with two killer bands... Jack Ruby Presents and Pine Language. I just got a new loop station so I decided to try it out at the show. I still need to work out the kinks but I think it has potential. Here is a new song that I tried out at the show...

12th and Jackson House Show from Casey Hurt on Vimeo.

Love ya,


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Song of the week 03.12.09

Song of the week 03.12.09 from Casey Hurt on Vimeo.


Hey Ladies and Gentleman, I just wanted to share with you the article that was written about me in the Corvallis Alchemist this week...

Local performer Casey Hurt is many things to many people. He is an artist of music, a pastor, and a tattooed scotch enthusiast who will be twenty-five in March. He was also voted winner of the 2008 Alchy Award for best acoustic performer. Talking with him is like speaking to a regular guy; minus the quick-scribbling on a notepad, the interview was more an enjoyable conversation.
“Words are pretty powerful,” he commented early on, emphasizing that “Words have different meanings to different people.”
As a writer of music on several levels, Hurt can be taken for an authority on this. For his own acoustic performances he writes both music and words, spending one part of his time on the music for every two parts to his lyrics, following the lead of his musical wordsmith influences like the Beatles, Tracy Chapman, and the Violent Femmes.
“I usually write the music first,” he explained, “I’m kind of anal about the lyrics. I don’t want to say what I don’t mean.”
For a person like Casey, such devotion can lead to great music, but also eat up a lot of time, especially for someone leading a local four hundred person fellowship like Doxology. Luckily, Hurt has much the same goals as his own church’s mission: glory to God and joy to the city.
“My actual calling as a pastor was to free me up to do what I was already doing as an artist,” he said.
Hurt has a lot of faith in Corvallis, and not just in the religious sense. He has been in town for the last six years and has watched to many other musicians making the move up to Portland, thinking it is the only way to proceed professionally. In turn, Hurt works with, preaches to, and records many locals, all while extolling the rich diversity in Corvallis.
“I don’t want to fake anyone out. I want to be honest about the writing – to display something truthful about myself.”
Writing an recording have taken up much of Hurt’s schedule lately as he’s kept to a lesser amount of live performances. He still spends a good amount of time on writing pastoral music, but also works on finishing his first album in over two years, and creating hip-hop beats on his computer for friends in LA to rap over. He couldn’t totally stay away from performing though, and put in regular appearances at the Saturday Market and in cafes in the area.
Throughout it all, Hurt is sure to not lose his focus. He writes songs about ups and downs, trials and tribulations, and keeps it all within bounds that people can connect to. He even keeps a regularly updated blog about his music-writing, so people can have an up-close look and a greater understanding.
“Rawness is the thing people appreciate the most,” Hurt explained, and he’s good at it. Maybe that’s why he won his Alchy.
With so many things calling on his time, it is amazing that Casey Hurt can stay as happy and as dedicated as he is. This reporter thinks it is because Hurt is happy to take time out of his day to sit and talk about life, and that is something that everyone can relate to. You can judge for yourself when you attend his show, March 20th at WineStyles up at Timber Hill.
“I’m not trying to throw my religion in people’s faces,” Hurt said, “The gospel is there and it is part of it, but my music is about life.”
~Robin Canfield

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Creative Mind...

Hey Everyone, I just wanted to share this video with you. It was incredibly inspiring and insightful for me as an artist and it's totally worth watching. You wont regret it.

Love ya,


Friday, January 2, 2009

What kind of man would I be...

I'm not sure how to explain this song yet. I might need a few days to process it.

What kind of man would I be?

there's not a price that I wont pay
to hold a thing that will fade away
I will sell myself for an object on a shelf
just to have something to tell me what to say

There's not a song that I wont sing
if it will get me that diamond ring
I will wear it proud, until it's luster's all worn out
and I've forgotten what my words used to mean

to think these things could really make me free

There's not a price that I wont pay
to worship what my hands create
I love what I should not because it makes me feel alright
and it's easier then having to change

to think these things could really make me free

what would I think about
if I no longer had all my doubt
what kind of man would i be
without all these thing defining me

There's not a price I could pay
for someone to love me this way
while I serve the things I buy God decided he would die
so that I no longer have to be a slave

to think these things could really make me free
to think my things could really make me free

I love you guys,
