Thursday, July 31, 2008

Song of the Week - Come to me - 08.01.08


The song of the week is called Come To Me. Sometimes writing a song can take me hours, even days to do, and other times it just comes out in minutes. This was one of those time. I just sat down at the piano and it gushed out of me. I think that I was inspired by that invitation Jesus gave to the broken people around him. I realized how broad that invitation was, it could include almost anyone. My initial picture of someone who is burdened or heavyhearted is very glum. I picture a homeless man or an orphan or something like that. I know that those people are included in his invitation but I guess what I realized is that I'm around burdened people everyday. A lot of them don't even know it. Hell, I don't even know it sometimes. I suppose we all have baggage, and I would guess that we're all looking for a place to set that baggage down from time to time. My problem is that i've become very attached to my baggage, and I don't like to trust people with it. In fact, I think I might find some of my Identity in my baggage. I guess that's what makes Christ's invitation so hard. He not only wants me to lay down my baggage, he actually want me to leave it. He says. " Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"
For me, this song is an invitation to find my identity in Christ, not my own issues.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The start of something new...

So, I'm officially breaking the rules with this one. I know that media says I'm supposed to be dark and mysterious, that I'm not supposed to let my songs be heard until they are completely polished but I say, the hell with it. Since I started writing songs, (which was at the age of 13 for anyone who cares) I've always been about being honest with my audience. Now I'll admit that some of that came from the huge influence that Dashboard had on me ( pre-cover of spin magazine) but most of it came from family and close friends. I was fortunate enough to have a family that challenged me to be honest at all times, even if I was scared. I guess I started wearing my heart on my sleeve because it felt like the most natural thing to do. It also didn't hurt that more women paid attention to me.  

Anyway, I'll try and get to the point. 
I want this to be a place where you can be invited into my journey as a songwriter. I can't promise that it will be neat and polished, in-fact I can almost guarantee that it wont be. But one thing I will say is that I'll be honest about the process, even if it sounds like madness. 
My plan is to write one song a week and then post it for you all to hear. I'll try as best I can to explain what inspired it, but I must warn you that some of it might seem dark.  

Don't be afraid. It's only art. And who knows, I might learn how to write a happy song somewhere along the way.